I heard someone ask the question; how can one truly feel comfortable and content in a world that harbors so much evilness?

As I sat in church Sunday praying for the innocent victims who were killed after a troubled 21 year old man went into a Charleston, South Carolina church and destroyed nine families’ lives.  I was left with that numb feeling that has apparently become a familiar occurrence in our society.  As we live in the information age; no bad deed goes unnoticed.  I think these kinds of events by large can make individuals reflex on their own lives and the lives of those they love.  Therefore, when I heard about the  horrific details of that dreadful day and the mind of the killer, it really made me realize the fact that the only person in life that we have control of is ourselves.  Life can be a fragile journey; we live in the unknown.  Yes there are certain things we can predicted, but then there are so many others things that we cannot.

So what do I know?  Well for me I know who I am; I don’t know all that is to come for my life but I am an optimist.  Ask me about the world we live in and I shudder; it is a cold, unfriendly place where hatred and cruelty seems to be an everyday existence.  So at this moment when there are so many that are  hurting and grieving, I ask for something good for us to believe in; for a feeling of not being afraid; please God give us back honesty and loving hearts among mankind. Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, we are praying for you.